History of Tobacco

Lung diseases caused by tobacco include COPD, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. (Emphysema- Group of lung diseases that block airflow.) (Chronic Bronchitis- Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes.) If you have asthma, tobacco smoke can trigger an attack or make an attack worse. Tobacco use causes many types of cancer- Lung, larynx, mouth, esophagus, throat, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, cervix. There is no safe level of tobacco use, people who use any type of tobacco product are strongly urged to quit. About half of all Americans who keep smoking will die because of the smoking habit. Each year more than 480,00 people in the US die from illnesses related to tobacco use. Smoking accounts for about 30% of all cancer deaths in the US, including about all 80% of all lung cancer deaths. Whenever smoke touches a living cell it damages it, even smokers who don’t inhale are breathing in large amounts of smoke that comes from their mouths and the lit end of the cigarette, they are at risk for lung cancer and other diseases caused by second hand smoking. 

This week my family is sick the worst thing about that is I almost got it.
I had to keep my distance from them so I didn’t get because I don’t like that.

It all started last week at first my sister got some kind of virus, I have heard about a virus going around the school the thing is I knew she would get it because of what she does, but I didn’t think my mom would get it!
It was the day after my cousins came over that was when it started I wonder if my cousins got sick before us it is a strong possibility that’s true.
A day or two my mom started to get sick it was a disaster,the funny thing about that is when it goes to fall into winter we all get sick I hate that.
After two weeks my family started to heal but then a week later my cousins got sick I don’t know why but my family has a thing about getting sick.
The good thing about that is my knowledge will increase so that I can take care of myself if I am alone at home and I get the virus.
I would like to say a little something about this week school is a pain it’s like a horror movie for kids like me today.When adults say it gets harder and harder they mean it.

So that’s how my last two weeks have been also be sure to listen to your parents.It’s a good idea have lots of friends to get you through 7th grade, because it makes school life much easier and really makes it worth the while so I wouldn’t give up on it remember that.

My Great/Not Great Christmas.

My Great and Not Great Christmas

Last year my Christmas was good and bad.It was a day on the week end when it was Christmas.The first thing at the time when I woke up was to wait for my parents to wake up.When they did we got to open our gifts.After that happened my mom said we were going to go see my grandmother.It took us three or two hours to get there.When we had got we had to wait to open the gifts the next day.When everyone woke we had opened the gifts.After that day we went back home.When we were back home we went to my other grandparents house we opened all the presents there after all that happened I started to become sick.It turns out I was and I had to go to the get a shot.I was glad that was over this year I hope its different.

The time I lost my dog

We went the pet store to look at animals but at the front there was a dog my mom liked.

When we got her we put her with my white dog.

But one night she ran away we found her but she ran away into the night.

The last time she did it she ran away forever we never found her I hope shes ok.

President Poem

Franklin was born in a log cabin in Hillsborough

He moved to Massachusetts bay in 1630

Hes father was a governor

Jean Means Appleton

Franklin Pierce

The 14th president

Was president in March 4th

He was in the military on 5battles

He was 64 when he in Concord 1869

My Year of 2013

One  year  ago some things happened.My grandfather died.He went some in Grand Praire. It happened at night.I really don’t know what happened I wasn’t there at his house. My fist school was Grand Praire I.S.D. I wish I was still there. I miss my other school and my 1st friends. I liked my 2nd that I lived in nine years better.

Their are two new goals I have this year is to pase my test because it mit get tougth.One thing I’d like to stop doing is doing things I don’t like to do.Theirs one thing I want to learn more about is more math because I think math is a cool thing to learn about.

Pearl Habor

People died more than 3,600 Americans were either killed or inured.

England and Russia fought Germany and Japan.

Arizona was turned  into a  memorial.

Roosevelt called it a date which will live and in infamy.

Lasted for 2 hours.

Hapned in Dec. 7, 1941.

Attack by Japan. An officer named Jeffrey Nichols was a hero.