Pearl Habor

People died more than 3,600 Americans were either killed or inured.

England and Russia fought Germany and Japan.

Arizona was turned  into a  memorial.

Roosevelt called it a date which will live and in infamy.

Lasted for 2 hours.

Hapned in Dec. 7, 1941.

Attack by Japan. An officer named Jeffrey Nichols was a hero.






I would like to live in Jamestown because they didn’t have any slaves. They had permission from the British royal charter to make a settlement. They came for gold and that could make me rich. The Native Americans could teach me to hunt or grow crops. The main reason why is because so I could have a little bit of freedom and  honor  King James 1 for what he did and to thank him.

Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson was born in 1600’s in Nether Land Henry Hudson was heird to find the North west Passage. On a ship called the Discovery he thought he found the North west Passage but he discovered a bay.Then the bay froze ice covred over the bay, and they stayed in a log hut.Henry died June 1611.

Should Every Kid Get A Trophie

Trophies have a meaning but they could lose their meaning for what they do for kids like make them feel good but then make them brag.

You have to earn trophies if you just get trophies for nothing don’t keep it,because its better to earn because it will make you work hard and do your best.

The reason why is because earning trophies feel more better than just get one it makes you feel proud of yourself for earning on because you will want do it again.



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